IMUSA, a brand of utensils designed especially around the needs of the Latino kitchen, has surprised me with an incredible gift.
The other day when I have arrived home, I saw a giant box in the mail. Can you believe they sent me a gift, a digital electric pressure cooker? And just in time for Mother's Day!
Not only that, they have also sent an extra one to give away to a lucky reader of Latin Food Lovers.
I love to buy any kitchen utensils that helps me cook better (and faster!). Doesn’t it look just beautiful? Really, I do not know yet where will I keep it. I have a tiny kitchen and need to find a place soon before my husband decides to move!
I must admit I typically use a covered casserole or pan, the way my grandmother taught me.
When cooking large pieces of meat, I use the braising technique. First, I brown the meat for a few minutes in fat (to increment the flavor) and then proceed to cook over low heat on covered containers (to tenderize the meat). You can read a whole explanation of this process in the book: “On Food and cooking”, by food scientist Harold Mc Gee)
After this receiving the IMUSA pressure cooker acquisition I am eager to try my recipes using all of its features.
It is not only a pressure cooker, it also works as a steamer and digital rice cooker. It also has a function setting for browning and can keep preparations hot.
One of the main reasons why I want to try it is because I feel good about programming for a specific time. That way we can always have the food ready when visits arrive!
In this mother´s day a lucky reader will win an electric pressure cooker exactly like mine (see picture). It is ideal for a person who loves to cook and likes to make quicker preparations.
In order to be eligible you must meet these requirements:
1) Be over 18 years
2) Legal resident of USA. No boxes P.O
3) Leave a message with your name and email address for contact purposes (
4) Follow us on twitter @latinfoodlovers and follow @IMUSAUSA and become a fan of Latin Food Lovers and IMUSA on Facebook.
Afterwards, please leave a short message here telling us you are now following.
5) Leave a comment telling us about your experience with electric pressure cooker and/or why you use electric pressure cooker
You can sign up until May 20, 2012.
Good luck and Happy Mother's Day!
Disclaimer: Although I have received from IMUSA product for free,
my opinion is honest, this post has not been edited by others.
IMUSA, una marca de utensillos pensada especialmente para las necesidades de la cocina Latina me ha sorprendido con un increíble regalo.
Es que cuando entre a casa y vi en el correo una caja gigante, realmente me sorprendí. ¿Puedes creer que me han enviado de regalo una olla digital eléctrica a presión? Y justo a tiempo para el día de la madre!
Y no sólo eso, sino que además me darán una igualita a la mia para regalársela a una afortunada lectora de Latin Food Lovers.
Creo que quienes amamos la cocina nos gustaría contar con utensillos que nos ayuden a preparar platos a diario (y más rápido!). ¿Mirá que cosa más linda? Aún no he decidido donde la voy a guardar en mi diminuta cocina. Tengo que encontrarle un encondite pronto antes que mi esposo decida mudarse!
Les confieso que suelo utilizar cazuelas a prueba de llama o una cacerola tapada tal como hacían nuestras abuelitas.
Cuando necesito cocinar piezas grandes de carne, empleo la técnica de estofar o “braiser”. Primero doro o marco la carne por unos minutos en materia grasa (para darle más sabor) y luego las cocino a fuego lento en un recipiente tapado, para así lograr una carne más tierna. Puedes leer la explicación extendida en es este famoso libro: On Food and cooking, food scientist Harold Mc Gee)
Luego de esta nueva adquisición, me han dado muchas ganas de probar mis recetas, aprovechando todas las funciones que posee este dispositivo.
Es que no sólo es una olla a presión, sino que además es una olla de vapor y arrocera digital. Además, tiene una función para dorar la pieza en material grasa y, a la vez, puede mantener caliente las preparaciones.
Una de las principales razones por lo que quiero probarla es porque me parece excelente que se pueda programar para una hora determinada en la que debemos tener la comida lista y me encanta el hecho de que se ahorre tiempo de cocción.
En este día de la madre, gana una olla a presión eléctrica igualita a la mía como la de la foto de arriba. Es una gran oportunidad para todas las mamás amantes de la cocina.
Para poder participar sólo debes cumplir estos requisitos:
1)Ser mayor de 18 años
2)Residente de USA. No P.O boxes
3)Dejarnos nombre y email para poder contactarte (
4)Seguir en twitter a @latinfoodlovers y a @IMUSAUSA
y hacerte fan de Latin Food Lovers y de IMUSA en facebook. Luego, déjanos un mensajito aquí mismo contándonos que ya lo has hecho.
5)Comenta también si cuentas con alguna experiencia con ollas a presión y/o por qué usas la olla a presión en la cocina
Puedes inscribirte hasta el día 20 de Mayo de 2012.
¡Mucha suerte y Feliz día de la madre!
Aclaración: Si bien he si he recibido producto IMUSA en forma gratuita,
Mi opinión es honesta y este post no ha sido editado por terceros.
Me encantaria tener esta olla en mi caas. Desde pequena siempre he escuchado que Imusa es lo maximo en utensilios para la cocina.
ReplyDeleteUso la olla a presion para preparar algunas carnes (como la sobrebarriga, no se como se dira en otros paises). Tambien cocinamos en esta clase de olla los garbanzos y frijoles.
ReplyDeleteEricka Sanchez
I want to win!
I want to win!
ReplyDeleteI'm following you all and I want to win because a pressure cooker is great to cook everything including rice! I prepare my Mexican style black beans with a pressure cooker that is older than me so an upgrade will be nice! I'm Adriana Lopez-Martin, my email is and my twitter is @asbestrecipes
ReplyDeleteWhat a practical gift!
ReplyDeleteoh my! I looove pressure cookers. It's my primary cooking method. I have very vintage ones and new ones, but no electric ones! They cut back on cooking time by 70% and really do preserve the nutrients in the ingredients. You simply can't go wrong with that! Oh, how I'd looooove to ganar this one! Yay for getting a nice and early Mother's Day gift!
ReplyDeleteAnd, have been following both you and IMUSA on twitter and liked on FB! yay!
ReplyDeleteHola Sigo a Latin Food Lovers en facebook y twitter
ReplyDeleteFollowing everyone! You can contact me here:
ReplyDeleteThanks, Uchi!
Me ecanta! Está preciosa! Me encantaría ganar para poder practicar muchas recetas, como una deliciosa bandeja paisa!
ReplyDeleteTe sigo en twitter!
ReplyDeleteI have never used a pressure cooker But i know my husband the cook in the family would put it to good use he loves cooking for our family. I follow you and imusa on twitter and facebook
ReplyDeleteYa seguí todos los pasos... Tengo poca experiencia con ollas de presión pero creo que pueden hacer facilitar la vida diaria.
ReplyDeleteTe sigo en Twitter.
ReplyDeleteTe sigo en FB.
I follow IMUSA on twitter.
Solo he usado las ollas de presión para hacer arroz. Era un antigua. Me encantaría aprender a utilizarla para otras cosas.
Me encanto el sorteo Uchi! Te sigo y a IMUSA por Facebook & twitter. Me encantan las ollas a presion para los guisos y estofados! Yummy! Muchas Gracias por el sorteo!
Would love to win this one!
ReplyDeleteMe encantaría ganarme esta olla de presión Imusa!! te comento que me gusta usarla para cocinar mondongo y ablandar habichuelas en casa :)
ReplyDeleteTe sigo a ti y a Imusa!!
everything is made better in a pressure cooker! I'd love to win one especially if its Imusa!:)
I now follow imusa on twitter and facebook and latin food lovers on facebook and twitter as well!
Pressure cookers always remind me of my mom. Thats what she uses to cook beans. Would love to win so I can make beans old school style and not out of a can!
ReplyDeleteLike you and IMUSA on FB: carolyn gonzalez and Follow you and IMUSA on twitter: carogonza
ReplyDeleteI have never used a pressure cooker but always wanted one. I love this one because you can make rice and my rice cooker broke. I would love to have this all in one pot
I also have never used a pressure cooker, heard horror stories about them and was afraid to buy one, if i win this one i can try to make my "' in it and gain more eating time.
ReplyDeleteNatalia Carter
Hola Uchi! Sabes que nunca he usado uno...pero me acuerdo de mi abuela cocinando en su olla de presion cuando yo era chica. Muy buenos recuerdos. Un abrazo y feliz dia de las madres.
ReplyDeleteWow...this would be awesome. I have never actually used a pressure cooker, but I am thinking about purchasing one. I know that things would cook rapidly in them. I would be great for mi carne, frijolitos, o arroz. I follow both of you via twitter as yourpotofgold and facebook. Gracias, Patricia. yellow_patricia at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteQue buena idea! Me encantaria probar esta olla! Como siempre el blog esta buenisimo!
ReplyDeleteYa te seguia en Twitter y ahora en Facebook. Tambien agregue a IMUSA en los dos medios :). I have a few items of their brand but not a pressure cooker, much less an electric one. Me recuerda tanto a mama. She would make delicious tamales in an old fashioned pressure cooker. My grandmother would too and I remember every year that we would visit her in Mexico, my grandmother would always ask us to bring her a new pressure cooker seal. She used it that much! Such memories!! Thanks - Viky Garcia (met you at Hispanicize) at quefregados @ gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteI would like to conquer my long time fear of pressure cookers which in the old days, had the bad rap of blowing up in the kitchen, inflicting harm on anyone who didn't stand clear. This way, I can open up the possibilities in my kitchen to new ways and time frames of cooking. And I've followed Latin Food Lovers and IMUSA on Twitter and liked on FB!
ReplyDeleteNunca he usado una olla de presion electrica! Me encantaria probarla. Ademas que esta marca tiene muy buenas referencias. mommyhoodsdiary at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteTe sigo en facebook
ReplyDeleteMe encantaria ganar esta olla!!!
ReplyDeleteQue bonita Olla de Presion. Yo uso la mia unas 2 o 3 veces por semana o mas cuando esta haciendo mucho calor. Me encanta porque las comidas se cocen muy rapidos y no se calienta mi cocina. :)
ReplyDeleteI already entered but I want it! This will be a great new addition to my new kitchen!
ReplyDeleteI got one too! :) I am going to tweet this out to help you with your giveaway! Xoxoxo.....
ReplyDeletei never had one becasuse i was afraid of it and heard too many horror stories about them, would like to win one and try it out for my puerto rican beans.
ReplyDeleteI am a transplant from Miami, since the early sixties, My mother used the pressure cooker to make carne con papas, black beans and caldo Gallego to name a few, ever since I can remember. I introduced the Cuban microwave to the west coast of Florida, Sarasota. I would like to continue the tradition into the future with an IMUSA Electric Digital pressure cooker. My honey from Baltimore would much appreciate this top of the line cooker, since she has reproduced old cuban recipes with the ole "olla de presion" from what ingredients I remembered my mom used, Ana Quincoces Musa recomendations and google. LOL thanks
ReplyDeleteOK....count me in....I can use one of them there fancy contraptions.